VALIO Product catalogue EN


The diversity of VALIO.

Product Overview

You can access our product overview in tabular form here. Select the appropriate application area:

We would be happy to provide you with further information on request!
Serving suggestions

Creatinine: 5%
Consistency: slightly liquid
Flavor: strong and pure

Consistency: slightly liquid
Flavor: intense and pure

The wild blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium) of our partner Van Dyk’s have their origin in Eastern Canada and the Northeast of the USA.

They are significantly smaller and naturally sweeter than cultivated or highly bushy blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum). They are richer in antioxidants and have a more intense taste.

Wilde Blaubeeren

Due to their small size, the number of berries per 100g is significantly higher than with cultivated blueberries. 


Van Dyk Logo

The unique drying process aims at the maximum preservation of taste, nutritional values and antioxidants of the fruit.

For this purpose, the blueberries are subjected to microwave vacuum drying without the use of oil, sugar or preservatives.

The berries are passed through a vacuum chamber, in which the air pressure and thus the evaporation point of the water is significantly lowered. Low energy microwaves are used to efficiently extract moisture at low evaporation temperatures. This technology allows the fruit to be dehydrated to very precise humidity levels.


  • No added sugar, fat or preservatives
  • Blueberry nutrients and antioxidants are largely preserved
  • The original size of the blueberries is almost preserved by gentle drying in the vacuum chambers


dry blueberry whole chewy blaubeeren trocken

Whole wild blueberries – 8-10 % humidity – “Chewy”

dry blueberry whole crunchy blaubeeren trocken

Whole wild blueberries – 2-3 % humidity – “Crunchy”

dry blueberry powder blaubeeren trocken

Blueberry powder from wild blueberries – 2-3% humidity


  • SQF 2000 (production)
  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher
  • Vegan

Consistency: slightly liquid
Flavor: intense and pure

We are very pleased to introduce you to our new quality extracts. For the production of stocks, soups, sauces, dressings, dips and for taste intensification.

The extracts are produced in our state-of-the-art partner factories and impart an authentic taste for every professional in numerous applications in food production. More extracts are available on request!

Further extracts are available on request and also in powder form!

freeze dried strawberry slices

THE CRUNCH is a surprise every time – freeze-dried fruits
an absolute must for all fruit fans.

Which fruits and shapes do we offer in our portfolio and why are we exactly the right partner? We answer all these questions here. If you require further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Organic & conventional
  • “from field to fork” – harvested in the field and forwarded directly for further processing without any detours
  • Large portfolio and various cuts: whole fruit, slices, cubes and powder
  • 100% fruit without additives
  • Retains its shape, nutrients and flavour

  • Versatile use: as a highlight in granola, simply for snacking, in yoghurts, quark or plant-based products, for decorating or in hot and cold drinks
  • Long minimum shelf life of 24 month after production

our portfolio

Our portfolio is broad and diverse. Together with our partners, we have built a structure based on trust, respect for people and the environment and a commitment to quality and service. We offer our products – depending on the fruit – in organic and conventional varieties. This allows us to remain flexible and respond to enquiries in the best possible way. Here is a brief insight:

Red fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, bilberries, blackberries, redcurrants, sour cherries

Stone fruits: apples, apricots, peaches, plums

Exotic fruits: bananas, mangoes, pineapples, dragon fruit

Citrus fruits: lemons, limes, oranges

Vegetables: corn, peas

We offer the freeze-dried fruit (depending on the fruit) as whole fruit, in slices, in cubes and as a powder. We are also happy to discuss special forms, which we then develop together with all parties.

Fruechte gesamt


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Freeze dried organic raspberries
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Freeze dried blackberry powder
Pflaume 1024 x 768
Freeze dried plum slices

Consistency: slightly liquid
Flavor: intense and pure

No added sugar, fat or preservatives

The apples of our partner Petruska, a.s. from the Czech Republic are carefully dried by one of the most modern drying plants in Central Europe and are notable for their full-bodied, pleasantly crunchy taste.

The products are suitable as a healthy snack for direct consumption or for further processing for the food processing industry due to their high content of dietary fibres, minerals and no added sugar.


  • Dried apple slices with “Wave Cut”
  • Dried apple pieces with citric acid
  • Dried apple cubes
  • Dried apple cubes
  • Dried apple powder/granulate

All products available both with and without tray.

Consistency: liquid
Flavor: intense and pure icon cook 5stars

Das ist die Jackfrucht

Jackfrucht: Kochen ohne Fleisch 1/2 | Informationen zur Jackfrucht

Das kann die Jackfrucht

Jackfrucht: Kochen ohne Fleisch 2/2 | leckere Tipps zum Marinieren
Jackfruit Jackfrucht Fleischersatz

Kurz zusammengefasst

  • Wächst in tropischen Ländern ohne Gentechnik
  • Größte Frucht der Welt
  • Reich an Ballaststoffen, enthält Vitamin B6 und C sowie Kalium
  • Frei von Gluten, gesättigten Fetten und Cholesterin
  • Keine Allergene
  • Kalorienarm und Lecker

The jackfruit belongs to the mulberry family and is cultivated in tropical areas such as Sri Lanka, India, Thailand or Vietnam.

It is the heaviest and largest tree fruit in the world and can weigh up to 40 kg and grow up to 90 cm long.

The fruit owes its name to the Malaysian word “Chakka”. This means “round” and describes its appearance.

The cultivation is done without any genetic engineering. In addition, significantly less water and energy is consumed than in the cultivation and processing of soy or peas.


Jackfrucht reif süss
Ripe (sweet)
Jackfrucht jung Fleisch- und Fischersatz
Young (meat and fish substitute)

The ripe jackfruit is light yellow to golden inside and has a sweetish taste. The fruit flesh can be used, for example, for a tropical fruit salad.

The young, unripe Jackfruit is suitable as a substitute for meat and is therefore a very good meat and fish alternative for vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians. The unripe white, tasteless flesh is used, which is similar to chicken breast or lean pork in its consistency. It accepts spicy marinades and spices very well and thus provides an intense taste experience. The flesh retains its fibrous consistency even during cooking and frying and creates a meat-like feeling when eaten.

Serving suggestions

Nahaufnahme einer veganen gesunden Bowl mit Reis, Salat und Jackfruit
Vegane gesunde Bowl mit Reis, Salat und Jackfrucht
Veganes Pulled „Pork“ Jackfrucht Taco
Veganes Pulled „Pork“ Jackfrucht Taco mit Avocado, Kohl und Limette
Jackfrucht-Nudeln mit Knoblauch, Oliven, Kapern, Tomaten und Käse.
Vegane Bolonese mit Jackfrucht
Gemüse-Curry mit Jackfrucht
Gemüse-Curry mit Jackfrucht

Processing types

The flesh of the jackfruit can be processed in many different ways, for example:

  • Vegan Shredded
  • Veganes Chili sin Carne
  • Vegan Pulled “Pork”
  • Vegan Curry
  • Vegan Burger
  • As ingredient for vegan fish!

… and much more. There are no limits to the vegan cuisine!

Jackfruit is also a great source of fiber, starch, vitamins B6 and C and potassium. It is free of gluten, saturated fats and cholesterol.


Jackfruit pieces, blanched, frozen

Picked at the beginning of the ripening period • Natural product • Blanched pieces • individually deep-frozen, packed in bulk carton • For further processing • Ideal for vegan meat and fish analog products

Jackfruit stripes, blanched, frozen

Picked at the beginning of the ripening period • Natural product • Blanched strips • individually deep-frozen, packed in bulk carton • For further processing • Ideal for vegan meat and fish analog products

Jackfruit cubes, blanched, frozen

Picked at the beginning of the ripening period • Natural product • Blanched cubes – 2x2x2 cm • individually deep-frozen packed in bulk carton • For further processing • Ideal for vegan meat or fish analog products

Veganer Thunfisch Salat

Looks like tuna, tastes like tuna, but isn´t tuna.

We are certain: microalgae are part of a sustainable and resource-saving nutritional solution. Through the symbiosis with pea protein and the unique nutrients of microalgae (Chlorella algae), products are created that provide consumers with a delicious and healthy taste experience.

Added value:

  • 100% tuna flavour due to microalgae
  • Optimal texture and consistency in symbiosis with pea protein
  • Wet texture retains its consistency during processing e.g. dips, sauces, creams, salads
  • Direct consumption or further processing
  • Made in Germany for a sustainable and resource-saving food system
  • Allergen free
  • Heat-resistant
Algen unter Mikroskop Labor Industrie

Good to know: the Chlorella algae

Small, green and powerful: the chlorella algae contains lots of proteins, antioxidants and micronutrients that are said to have positive effects on health. It is not without reason that it is considered a superfood. Chlorella is a microscopic single-celled organism that occurs as an algae in fresh water. They are particularly rich in chlorophyll, which is said to have many positive effects on health – among other things, it could support the provision of energy and bind pollutants. With up to 60 percent protein content and plenty of vitamin B12, chlorella algae are a valuable source of protein and vitamin B.


Serving suggestions

Pizza with vegan tuna & vegan chicken
Pizza with vegan tuna & vegan chicken
Snack: Baguette slices with cream cheese, vegan tuna & chives
Snack: Baguette slices with cream cheese, vegan tuna & chives
Green salad with vegan tuna and egg
Green salad with vegan tuna and egg
Pinsa with vegan tuna & ruccola
Pinsa with vegan tuna & ruccola